“Not me guv”

Grantham has been in gridlock for days, businesses across Grantham are losing thousands of pounds at a vital time of year. But guess what? Not one Grantham councillor knew it was coming. If you can believe that.

But they don’t want to play the “blame game”. This is a bit rich given it was their job to know. It was their job to review the plan once the Market Place and Station Approach schemes were funded. The Grantham Together independents were supposed to be looking out for the town, asking the questions no one else was asking, staying on top of the detail. There were at least three meetings between May and July where they could have established that this was going to happen but not one question was asked. Town Council chair Tim Harrison was present at all three. The schemes are a standing item on the agenda and not one question that might have given the heads up that chaos was to ensue.

Now a meeting has been called for the 27th August where 35 people have been invited (no clue as to who). If they can get some action, then great. But it is at least 8 weeks too late. This is the kind of incompetence we had come to expect from the previous administration.

Money has already been lost. People have been injured. Parents and workers are rightly worried about what is going to happen when the schools go back. But remember! Don’t blame anyone, god forbid that anyone in charge should face any consequences for this monumental cock up.

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